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Do you love a great game of golf or wish you could play more often? Or maybe you enjoy playing but can never find any playing partners. Well here at Armidale Golf Club, we believe everyone deserves to enjoy a day out on the course.


We have a great range of memberships to make golf accessible to as many people as possible in the New England area. Join now to get full access to our incredible course, improve your game, challenge yourself and all whilst meeting new people and enjoying the great game of golf!

Platinum Member

This is an ‘all in’ category and includes regular weekly competition fees and the club championships. It does not include Jug or similar events, or the weekly hole in one competition which will have to be paid separately.


Octo Golfing Member (Member >80years)

Member's who are over 80 years of age as of 1st July are now entitled to the new Octo Membership. This class of member is entitled to vote on all matters at General Meetings and to vote at the election of the Board.



This class of member will receive full playing rights and access to an official GolfLink handicap, as well as unlimited social play at no extra cost. This class of member is entitled to vote on all matters at General Meetings and to vote at the election of the Board.


Country Member (>80km from Armidale Post Office)

A person who has attained the age of 18 years and whose usual place of residence is beyond a radius of 80km from the Armidale Post Office. This class of member is entitled to vote on all matters at General Meetings and to vote at the election of the Board.


Full Golfing Member(18-80years)

This class of member will receive full playing rights and access to an official GolfLink handicap, as well as unlimited social play at the current rate of $12 per day ($7 twilight). This class of member is entitled to vote on all matters at General Meetings and to vote at the election of the Board.


Intermediate (18-26years) / UNE Student member

A person who is between the age of 18 years and 25 years  This class of member is entitled to vote on all matters at General Meetings and to vote at the election of the Board.



(Pro-rata available for New Members if joining during the year)

• Annually

• Half Yearly

• Quarterly (through Pay As You Golf)

​• Monthly (through Pay As You Golf)



• Play golf on a prestigious regional golf course, rich in history, located in the centre of the New England

• Join competitive and/or social golf competitions

• Enjoy the clubhouse bar and catering facilities

• Veterans events

• Invite guests for golf, lunch or drinks

• Have access to excellent Golf Professionals for all golfing equipment and lessons

• Wine and dine at the various member functions throughout the year

• Receive regular newsletters giving up to date information on the club

• Play golf at reciprocal clubs in a range of locations at special rates

Junior Member (12-17years)

12 years of Age at 1st July, progresses to full membership if 22 at 1st July. This class of Member is not entitled to vote at any General Meeting or to vote at the election of the Board. 


Cadet Member (<12years)

Up to 12 years of Age at 1 July, progresses to Junior Age 12 at 1 July. This class of Member is not entitled to vote at any General Meeting or to vote at the election of the Board. $50 fee applies for a Golflink handicap


Social Golf Member

A new category to focus on 9 hole and social players not wishing to have a handicap or play in 18 hole competitions.

• No voting rights

• No handicap maintained

• Not eligible for competition rounds

Green Fee:

• Social golf fees at full members rates







TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY  • 11:00am - 3:00pm
FRIDAY  • 11:00am - 3:00pm and 5:30pm - 8:30pm (Bookings essential for dinner)

SATURDAY • 10:00am - 4:00pm




Golf Links Road

Armidale, NSW, 2350


TEL  /  (02) 6772 5837

ABN  33 001 044 711

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